Monday, August 9, 2010

Roberta Teller & Diana Glassman in the NEWS


1 comment:

  1. As one can see this blog was put up by a very sick, homophobic woman named IONA DERMAN, or as we like to call her IONA DERMAN THE HOMOPHOBE. As you can see by her above posting to her own blog: "The country house is back on the market", she became furious that her precious country house was off the market for one whole week "while the ladies dithered around trying to figure out what to do". Oh POOR IONA...her house was off the market for one whole week while the ladies were in the inspection period and discovered things about the property that were not to their liking and so pulled out of the deal. Happens all the time IONA you idiotic, narcissistic homophobe. People pull out of real estate deals all of the time during inspection periods...that's precisely what inspection periods are for. But no, IONA DERMAN got "PISSED" as she says and so decided to have a little "fun" with the "ladies" reputation. Never mind that the "ladies" have both been unselfish, loving public servants for years..a lifetime educator and a social, IONA DERMAN the self centered HOMOPHOBE decided it was her right to try to publicly defame these two honorable women because her precious house was "off the market" for a week. O poor IONA!!!
    We feel sorry for you poor baby. IONA DERMAN is a mean spirited, homophobic asshole.
