Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Diana Glassman and Roberta Teller

Always allergy free.


  1. this is a homophobic blog put into existence by someone named IONA DERMAN THE HOMOPHOBE. She is a horrible person who made up this blog because she got pissed off at the 2 women defamed in this blog. IONA DERMAN is a complete moron homophobe and this hateful, homophobic blog should be removed by Google. DERMAN the asshole became inflamed and furious because the 2 women cancelled a real estate contract that they were in with her during the inspection period, which of course they were legally entitled to do. But because DERMAN is such a complete homophobic narcissist, she became enraged and this blog is the result of her hateful rage. GO FUCK YOURSELF IONA DERMAN!!

  2. This is John again...Just saw and heard that Diana and Roberta have put up their own blogs defending themselves from this cyber bullying as they're calling it. Really glad to see this. In her blog, ( Roberta said that she won't name the person who defamed them with this disgusting homophobic blog, but I already did!!! (see my previous post, and I don't mind naming her again...she is IONA DERMAN the NASTY HOMOPHOBE...and I feel that she deserves to be named for all of her viciousness, so there!!). Diana and Roberta are too nice. I'll be back to report on the name of Diana's blog, but check out Roberta's blog about cyber bullying in the mean's very interesting and worth a look. Make comments too!
